How To Shut Down An AWS Lightsail Instance In 2024

In this article, we talk about how to shut down an AWS Lightsail Instance!


I use a combination of @AWS Lightsail and @Wordpress for hosting all of my blogs and websites. Recently I migrated from using a simple single WordPress instance to a WordPress Multi-Site Instance (I’ll outline that change elsewhere).

But as part of finishing that migration, I needed to shut down the older AWS Lightsail instance. To figure out how to do this, I found a few different resources. I found a Medium post from April 2024, a Reddit post talking about when you’re charged for Lightsail and an AWS re:Post post talking about this process here.

Note: I’m making this change as I already have migrated the contents of the “Single Instance WordPress Site” to my new WordPress Multi-Site. If I had not done that – I would not be making this change (as you would lose all of your data).


  1. Firstly, I’m going to delete all of my snapshots that I have for the Instance.
  2. Then I’m going to detach my static IP under the Networking tab of my Instance’s Console. At this point, I’ve already removed any references to this IP from my DNS records.
  3. After that I’m going to the Network tab of the AWS Lightsail Console and delete the Static IP I just detached from my instance.
  4. Now I’m going to stop running my instance before deleting it entirely. I’ll click Stop, and then wait for it to stop before clicking Delete and typing Confirm.

Note: There are more steps outlined in the AWS repost post – however I found that none of these extra steps were things that I had done or configured on my instance so after these steps above I was done.


I now have one less instance to manage in AWS Lightsail and you can too! It’s always good to make sure that you save money where you can – I didn’t need this instance running anymore after confirming that I’d got everything working on the multi-site setup.

Have a great day!

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